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Beef Raffle!

Raffle has ended! We are drawing 4 winners this week. 

We will record the drawing video and announce the winners Tuesday, July 2nd, at 6 pm to 7 pm. Then, we will reach out and contact them to make delivery arrangements. Good luck!

How Does It Work?

Each ticket gives the holder a chance to win a quarter of beef for one raffle. Raffles are held with the sale of 5000 tickets. Each raffle has 4 drawings, so there are 4 chances to win! 

Raffles are ongoing. After the first 4 winners and all four quarters of beef are won, the next raffle automatically begins. 

If you buy a ticket and it exceeds the 5000 mark, triggering a raffle, your ticket automatically rolls over into the next raffle with the same 4 chances. So you never lose a chance to win, nor do the odds change.


All tickets sold benefit our community and the nonprofit activities. 


IBA holds a state Charitable Gaming License. Tickets may not be purchased online out of state, as local laws may not allow for charitable raffles online. Idaho doesn't restrict raffle tickets. Federal laws restrict betting (gambling), but not nonprofit raffle sales. 

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